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Societatea Profesionala Notariala \Anitei si Asociatii\savecompany

Societatea Profesionala Notariala \Anitei si Asociatii\ is located in Botoșani, Romania on Bulevardul Mihai Eminescu 63. Societatea Profesionala Notariala \Anitei si Asociatii\ is rated 3.9 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Romania.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
rating_single_star 4.2
rating_single_star N/A
rating_single_star N/A


Elena Carare

(Translated by Google) I made a statement for leaving the minor country, and even if the law has changed for about two years in the sense that it no longer specifies where the minor travels, and no period and a statement no longer only applies to a trip, they have exactly that they made me a proxy valid only for a single exit from the country. Total unprofessional. If zero stars could be zero, we would be zero. I do not recommend!! (Original) Am făcut o declarație pentru ieșire din tara minor și chiar daca legea s-au schimbat de vreo doi ani în sensul că nu se mai specifica unde călătorește minorul și nici perioadă și o declarație nu mai este valabilă doar pentru o călătorie, ei exact asta au făcut, mi-au făcut o procura valabilă doar pentru o singură ieșire din țară. Total neprofesionisti. Daca se putea zero stele dădeam zero. Nu recomand!!


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Mihaela Petrovici

(Translated by Google) We had the documents in this notary's office, it is very sad to treat the clients as stupid, simply from the star I asked them to tell us what documents we need, they took us on the roads for more than two months until next we decided to take the documents from them and take them to another notary where they told us that there were many documents in the file and that we did not need so much. In the other place on the same day we solved everything and most importantly, they treated us with a lot of kindness and professionalism. I do not recommend this notary to anyone. (Original) Am avut actele in acest notariat, e foarte trist sa trateze clientii ca pe niste prosti, pur si simplu din star i-am rugat sa ne spuna ce acte avem nevoie, ne-au purtat pe drumuri timp de mai bine de doua luni pana la urma am decis sa luam actele de la ei si sa le ducem la alt notar unde ne-au spus ca erau foarte multe acte in dosar si ca nu ne trebuiau atatea. În celalat loc in aceeasi zi am rezolvat tot si ce-i mai important e ca ne-au tratat cu multa amabilitate si profesionalism. Nu recomand acest notariat la nimeni.


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Mihaela Cristina Cuciuc

(Translated by Google) Very kind and with a lot of availability. (Original) Foarte amabili si cu multa disponibilitate.


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Societatea Profesionala Notariala \Anitei si Asociatii\






Bulevardul Mihai Eminescu 63

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